Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ethical Dilemma

At the end of every week, there's always a Sunday Magazine. After rifling through the weekend edition of the Times, I save the best for last. I adore nearly all of the sections that encompass an issue, particularly the Ethicist, wherein a witty Jewish-sounding guy answers hard-knock questions.

This week's cover story, Strained by Katrina, a Hospital Faces Deadly Choices reminded me of the moral dilemmas I love to read in Randy Cohen's articles. I was stunned by this piece. It left a strong imprint on me and I can't stop thinking about it. Although I instinctively feel one side of the story is right, my heart goes out to the other side. And New Orleans--I can't get enough of it. The stories of Hurricane Katrina never cease to astonish me.

Read it! It's a testament to the supreme investigative journalism continuously heralded by the New York Times.

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