Tuesday, July 1, 2008

the realms of the unreal

at battle of drosabellamaximillan. seeing glandelinians retreating vivian girls grasp christian banners, and lead charge against foe by henry darger

spontaneously saw the dargerism: contemporary artists and henry darger exhibit at the folk art museum because i was in the neighborhood. i first learned about darger through documentary made about him by jessica yu, in the realms of the unreal. seeing the immense detail of henry darger's watercolor collages in person is awesome. also exhibited are some old newspaper and magazine cutouts--advertisements that inspired darger's drawings of little girls.

a few other artists also stood out to me:

amy cutler

plot line

robyn o'neil

these finals hours embrace at last; this is our ending, this is our past.

justine kurland

the orchard

read the nytimes review or take a peek at the exhibit yourself, on view through september 21st.

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